Forms for School
Reviewed by: HU Medical Review Board | Last reviewed: November 2010.
Being prepared is essential to migraine management and treatment
These forms are intended to be used for Children in grade school through high school. College students won’t encounter as many problems when they need to take their migraine medications during class. However, due to problems with illicit drug use on college campuses, students should keep their migraine prescription medications in their original containers with the label intact to avoid misunderstanding and potential issues. College students should also check with their professors and be aware of policies about missing classes and exams.
Here is a list of the different forms, so that you can choose which fit your situation:
- Migraine-Forms-for-Students
- Migraine information for teachers form (grade school through high school)
- Migraine information for school nurse form (grade school through high school)
- Migraine information for college professors form
- Migraine information for college dormitory resident assistants form
These forms were created and provided by Teri Robert, patient educator and advocate, © 2006 to present.
All rights reserved. You can learn more about migraine disease on this site.