Tammy Rome- Lately there has been an upsurge in online content about daith piercing as a treatment for migraine. It all started with an article in a student newspaper at State University of New York in 2011. The article was titled A “Piercing” New Alternative for Migraine Relief.” That article was then picked up by several news media outlets and been republished this year. Interviews with patients who claim success have been published in The Huffington Post and UK Daily Mail, too. Those articles have spread across social media, creating a lot of hype. No doubt you have received more than one... Read more
The Migraine Girl- During my Week-Plus o’ Migraines (August 2015 edition), I took my Avid Bookshop team on a little field trip to Atlanta to visit some bookstores and then attend a publisher speaking event. We were very excited for our venture to Atlanta (which is about an hour and a half away). After playing with the numbers, I realized it’d be more affordable if I were to rent an SUV large enough to fit everyone rather than have folks drive in two different cars and reimburse them for mileage. Thankfully, my buddy at the rental car company a ten-minute walk away was... Read more
Sarah Hackley- Autumn has arrived down here in central Texas. Though our leaves, if they fall, rarely change colors, the rest of Mother Nature spends these weeks putting on quite a show, oscillating wildly between summer and winter – our only real seasons. Flash floods are buttressed by month-long droughts and burn bans. Ice storms follow 80-degree nights and precede mid-90s days. Woolen coats and tall boots are exchanged for galoshes, then flip-flips and sandals. Finally the coats and boots come out again. October and November are, inevitably, a time of extremes down here in the land of my birth, and that... Read more
LB Herbert- For those with migraines, some have a handful triggers whereas others would get a migraine from trying to count up all of their triggers. Here are a few numbers we uncovered from the Migraine In America 2015 online survey about migraine triggers. The survey gathered insights from 4,502 respondents across the U.S. about their symptom and treatment experience. Only 4% Of those surveyed have not identified triggers for their migraine attacks. There were a myriad of triggers patients cited, from sexual activity to certain smells. Of the 96% who have recognized they have triggers, the most frequently mentioned include: 70%... Read more
The Migraine Girl- The third week in August kicked my a**, HARD. If migraine really were the villain I sometimes paint it to be (in my most immature times), it would have been cackling for a solid week. I imagine the migraine beast in a dark cloak, hunched over a cauldron, invoking frenzied spells: “Cue the twice-a-day thunderstorms with torrential rain! Cue the PMS and then the menstrual period! Cue the intense stress at work! Cue the four separate two-hour drives over just three days! Cue the traffic! Cue the grief and sadness and stress at a loved one’s death! Cue the inevitable... Read more
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