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I began the study of Oriental Medicine in 1986 and became National Commission for the Certification of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine board certified in 1992. I started work at the Hennepin County Medical Centers doctor group, Hennepin Faculty Associates in the Alternative Medicine Clinic. I stayed there until 1996 when I hired Xiao Gong, MD TCMD and retired Dean of the college of Traditional Chinese Medicine at Shandong Medical University to work with me. After a year he had to return to China and I brought Huong Mai Nguyen, MD (Russia) and post doctoral fellow at the Hanoi Institute of Acupuncture into my clinic. We have share practice on and off for ten years. In 2000 I began an extended series of long seminars with Tran Viet Dzung, MD. He is one of the translators and primary associate of Nguyen Van Nghi, MD in testing the ideas presented in the Ling Shu, the Bible of acupuncture from 200 BC. This is the source of the Classical Oriental medical approach to understanding the etiology, and patho-mechanism of migraine. He says, "Whenever there is a theory, there is a practice." It is this practice that can be so helpful to migraine patients. The acute presentation often stops within five minutes and the most common precursor--cold feet--turns around from the first treatment; this losewers the incidence of recurrenct and in many cases eliminates the symptoms entirely.