This all started out of no where. I was at work - had started my day with a migraine - then my right eye got blurry. Had to close it to see clearly. Found it amusing, went on with my day, then 2 hours later my right arm went numb down to my hand. Now I am worried. So I hurry to the Er. They catscan me with contrast thinking it was stroke related. No stroke, migraine with neurological complications. See a neuro. They send me home with a script for floricet. I had no pain Meds in hospital. This is a Wednesday. I make an appt to see my neuro the following Tues ( I had seen him 10 yrs ago for previous episode). My neuro gives me 2 shots of toradol (did nothing) started me on 2 dosing paks of prednisone to be taken simultaneously and started the titration of topamax, I'm now at 100mg. Here we are day 18... I am waiting on the MRI results (expecting normal). My temples feel like a small child will crawl out of them at any moment. I'm constantly nauseated, dehydrated and at the end of my rope. Life doesn't stop just cuz I'm on my knees from this migraine. Keeping up is such a chore. Oh and if one more person says to me "you still have that headache?" I think I will finally snap.