Hi celiadion-doucette,
Thank you for sharing your personal story with us. Migraine can be exhausting, frustrating and
isolating - I'm sorry you are going through a rough time. You've come to the right place for support and education. Let's see what I can do to help.
I understand about the worry and stress of letting people down, which as you mentioned somehow leads back to not taking care of ourselves. Self care and mindfulness are important parts of a migraine management plan, something I tend to let slip. I always pay for it in the end. We have information on mindfulness and self care in these articles: https://migraine.com/blog/realized-mindfulness-working/ and https://migraine.com/blog/guilt-trippin/ and https://migraine.com/blog/10-secrets-of-successful-chronic/.
Current thinking is if we have three or four severe migraine attack a month, it's time to discuss migraine prevention with our doctor. This article has more information about migraine prevention; https://migraine.com/blog/migraine-management-essential-4-preventive-treatment/.
Now having said that, is there any chance you are taking something daily, or near daily to help relieve this pain? One of the problems we can get ourselves into is called medication overuse headache or moh. Moh was formerly called rebound and may occur if we take pain relievers and/or migraine medications, whether they are over-the-counter or prescription, more than two to three days a week. If we are in an moh cycle, our attacks will be more difficult to treat and we can end up in a daily cycle of pain that too is hard to break. Let me share with you this information on moh; https://migraine.com/blog/help-how-can-i-not-overuse-migraine-medications/.
I hope this helps. Please let me know how you are doing.