I am confused. This is because my Migraines have been gradually getting worse and the symptoms for them have gradually been getting more defined. I thought I had my migraine yesterday but today I woke up and was still extremely tired after 8 hours of sleep. There is a difference between being just a little tired when you just wake up and this extreme fatigue I get before I get a migraine. This fatigue generally lasts all day and as the day progresses my headache gets gradually worse. Today I am nauseous on top of it all. It;s so bad but I already had it yesterday so I can't miss a second day doing stuff I have to do. Is it possible that yesterday wasn't my migraine but instead a warning of today's migraine? That this is how my new migraines will work? A gradual headache that increasingly gets worse and then goes away for three days? I'm worried. This is the third time this kind of pattern has happened in a month (typically I will get a headache and it will go away the following day). I can't live with this anymore.