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Jobs with chronic migraines?

I was diagnosed with chronic Migraines when I was 12 years old I get really bad aura with them especially visual aura. So I saw a neurologist and have been taking pills without success since then. Currently I have tried all the pills available and the only 2 options I have left is Botox or the new injection aimovig, so I’m going to try the aimovig first. I’m 22 years old I just graduated from culinary school, I’m a pastry chef but I’m worried that I made the wrong decision. I have a job but within the last couple of months I have missed a total of 3 weeks because of my migraines being so out of control. And I take my medication every day and my rescue medicine every time I feel a migraine coming and I understand that it’s not my fault that I have chronic Migraines, but I feel like such a loser. I can’t drive ever due to my migraines and other eye problems, I can’t work to support myself and I feel like I have made everything worse by going to school for something that I might not be able to do. But don’t get me wrong! I love being a pastry chef, creating desserts and baking is so much fun and it’s something I really enjoy but looking at it now I feel like I was foolish and chose a career that I liked with out thinking of my limitations.

I’m just running out of hope for things to get better, all the pills I have taken would work for a couple months and then we are back on the same spot, and I can’t help but think no matter what medication I am on it is going to be the same cycle. I want to be able to support myself and my family instead of being a burden on them. So I guess my question is if you guys know of a job that you can do even if you have a migraine or something related to pastry that is still achievable with chronic Migraines?

  1. Hey Kaisy- What a good question - and what a journey you've been on! I hope other community members will ring in, but I mainly just wanted to appreciate all you've been through. I think it's wonderful that you've continued to try to pursue your goal and what is clearly your passion despite the debilitating pain and other complex neurological symptoms related to migraine disease. It must have been extremely hard.

    As someone who was sidelined from the workforce due to chronic migraine a decade ago, I will just say that migraine, like life, often takes us on a different journey than we originally intended- but if we are open, there are often gifts along the way:

    I know many migraineurs who work from home where they can create more of a flexible life schedule. I wonder if you could create your own bakery business and have someone else help you with delivery since driving is a challenge?

    You are not alone in this and I'm so glad you're a part of our community. Please stay in touch - we are thinking of you.

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