As a child, I had quite debilitating migraines on a regular basis. Perhaps monthly in adolescence, settling down to twice a year in early adulthood and the rarely after my twenties. There was always an aura followed by a headache. In later life, I found that if I took a paracetamol as soon as the aura appeared and also ate something to increase my blood sugar, I could avoid the headache, but would still feel drained for the rest of the day.
In 2016 I was diagnosed with Atrial Fibrillation; I can’t remember my last migraine before the diagnosis, but it was many years previously. I was treated by a catheter ablation, which involves a trans-septal puncture of the heart, Which is known to cause auras. A few hours after my ablation in 2017, I had a migraine aura, but it was a different shape to my usual; there was a grey cross in the centre of my vision and two stripes across the bottom and right side of my peripheral vision.and not accompanied by any feelings of illness.
This year, I have had four migraine auras: one in July, two in August and one yesterday. These are a little different from my original auras. Originally, they were quite compressed into a small area just off the centre of my vision, but these are wider and further out.
I only took a tablet for the first one of these recent migraines, but none resulted in a headache.
This is all a little puzzling; has AF or the ablation changed my migraine susceptibility or how I experience them? Is it possible that these are a normal change through life?
John (new poster)