I'm looking for any information or stories about people who are immune compromised due to an organ transplant and seeking migraine prophylactic or abortive meds. My wife is a lung transplant survivor of18 years, with CF. Has a fairly high functioning quality of life until this past year when the migraines started and persisted. With aura, dizziness, and sometimes tension headache.
If you know someone who is post transplant than you understand the secondary conditions they develop from the daily and often neurotoxic medications they take to avoid "rejection". i.e. diabetes, osterarthritis, osterporosos, peripheral neuropathy, kidney disease, spinal disease, thyroid, etc. Many common prophylactic and abortive meds counter interact with med regime. So her neurologist and pulmonolgists and and other departments are seeking potential solutions.
Has anyone heard of stories, articles, or blogs about someone in this unique situation?
by the way... I think I gave her Migraines after several years of marriage.
All my fault!