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My boyfriend thinks I looks more pretty during a headache.

My boyfriend tells me I am more pretty when having a headache, especially migraine. It may sounds weird. I've been living with him for 2 years. He loves me and doesn't want me to get hurt. But he considers the way I press my temples hard and endure pain sexual and strong.
Take these photo for example:
He even offers sex during my headache, which is actually helpful to relieve my pain.
I can tell you he's more a masochistic than a sadist. Sometimes I even found myself looks better during a migraine.
I don't know why is that exactly. Does anyone of you know someone with similar ideas? How am I supposed to cope with him and these feelings?

  1. Hi fightinglady,

    I've not heard this before and have not experienced it. Hopefully others will be along shortly to share their experiences with you.


    1. Hi fightinglady,

      I've not heard this before and have not experienced it. Hopefully others will be along shortly to share their experiences with you.


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