Hi, I am new to this forum. I am. 38 years old and have suffered with migraine with aura since I was a teenager. Since I have got older I don't actually get them that often.
For 10 days now, I have had an aura in the bottom of my right eye. It comes and goes all day and. all night. Its made worse by the light. Its like a swirling zigzag. It has not affected my vision, I can just see it in the lower part of my eye. With my usual migraines, my visual would be affected. It would usually only last 60 minutes then I would get a very bad headache and nausea.
Has anyone else had this before? I have had. a headache on and off over the 10 days, along with a neck ache. I have taken paracetamol and 60mg of Codeine, which takes the headache away but I am still left with the aura.I am short sighted and wear glasses. I have recently had my eyes checked and all was ok apart from a small scar on my right eye. I am seeing a neurologist on Monday.
I am getting very anxious, I have never had anything like this before. Is there anyone out there that has had similar symptoms? It may help calm my anxiety if I could hear other peoples experiences.