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Preventative medication with asthma

I’m from uk. I have chronic migraines. I was recently prescribed propranolol by my gp for preventative migraines. I suffer from severe asthma and became very wheezy after first dose. Obviously I have stopped taking this. Any other migraine sufferers here who also have asthma? What preventative meds do you take?

  1. Hey there, Felix! Welcome to the community. I'm sorry you had that scary response to the propranolol ... I can't give medical advice for your safety, but I'm curious to know more about what happened that day. Did you let your doctor know about it? Did you take your rescue inhaler or other asthma meds? There are certainly plenty of people who have both migraine disease and asthma ... I know our patient leader Rebecca Cappello is one. Keep in mind that each person responds uniquely to medications, so what worked for others may not work for you -- your best bet is to ask your doctor or pharmacist what they would recommend.

    I also want to let you know that we have a site like this one for people with asthma. It's at There are respiratory therapists there and the community is very friendly, if you'd like to look around there as well. You're not alone! I hope you find a treatment regimen that works well for you soon! -Melissa, team

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