Hi there. Sorry about the discontinuation -- it's frustrating and heartbreaking for those of us that had such great results. It's hard to say what else might help you because each person is unique and responds differently to treatments, and there are literally hundreds of options, both pharmaceutical and otherwise.
Is insurance coverage a concern for you? Do you have Medicare? It might be useful to start with them and see what they will cover. Unfortunately, many of our members have run into roadblocks with Medicare.
Otherwise, did you try the other CGRP drugs besides Nurtec and Ubrelvy? They are Aimovig, Ajovy, Emgality and an infusion option called Vyepti. How about Botox? There are also wearable stimulation devices Nerivio and gammaCore. Then there's acupuncture, chiropractic care, supplements, the old standby meds like triptans ... the list goes on.
The biggest thing we recommend is to work with a certified headache specialist whenever possible. Neurologists are great, but not all of them are true experts in migraine care, so that can make an impact. Here's a directory of specialists. If there isn't one near you, it may be worth considering a consult via phone or telehealth:
Hope that helps with some suggestions. Ultimately, migraine can be a big game of trial and error. We're here to support you and bounce ideas! All the best. -Melissa, migraine.com team