I have been experiencing migraines for about 24 years. They have gotten better since I went thru menopause but I still have "chronic daily headaches " and occasional full blown migraines. I have traveled to the Mayo Clinic in Jacksonville from NJ with little to no success. I have seen doctors in NY, Pa and Ct. Basically I hate neurologist - not one has been able to help.
After an enormous amount of reading, I put myself on a strict diet eliminating all triggers - ie grapes, wine, bananas, avocado, balsamic and aged vinegars, most nuts (so far almonds are ok), all citrus fruits, and processed meats and aged cheeses. It's a lengthy list which is a nightmare at most restaurants. I made up a business card ( you can have 500 made for $5.99 at vista print) and just hand one to the server to give to the chef. I also try calling ahead to the restaurant to make sure things are "made to order". The cards have made my life easier and many servers and chefs have come out and complimented me on having them.
My biggest obstacle is getting past heavily perfume wearers - especially in theatre's, planes and other places where I can't escape. Any suggestions ???