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Tingling face for 4 days

I have had ocular migraines for most of my life, however when it happened last Wednesday morning, the left side of my head started tingling. I called 911 and went to the ER in case I was having a stroke, I was not, but that was 4 days ago and my face still tingles. any thoughts?

  1. , Having symptoms that linger after a migraine attack is common for many of us. Getting evaluated at the ER was a great step to ensure it was not something other than a migraine. I would follow up with your doctor or, better yet, a headache specialist. A couple of tricks that my husband finds helpful for facial symptoms like yours is to use a warm, moist compress or take a nice warm shower and let the water hit the affected side of your face. There may also be some stress in your neck and shoulders. He uses some gentle stretching and combines heat and cold therapy to calm the nerves. Again, if the symptoms don't resolve, they should be addressed by your doctor. Let us know how you are doing moving forward. Warmly, Cheryl team

    1. I'm sorry you are still dealing with remaining symptoms. As said, it's probably a good idea to follow up with the doctor. Postdrome, or the last phase of a migraine attack can last hours to several days. Here is more information on postdrome; Let me know what you think and please keep us posted on how you are doing, Nancy Harris Bonk, Patient Leader/Moderator Team

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