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Another One Bites the Dust - Dealing with Another Failed Therapy Regimen

I have actively been seeking out new treatments, therapy regimens, and all the like in my journey to help manage my migraine disease. The most serious part of my journey began back in 2012 when I received my official diagnosis of new daily persistent headache and chronic migraine. I had suffered for years with episodic migraines, but since I was able to manage them with OTC medications like Excedrin and Tylenol, I figured why go and see a doctor about it?

A constant battle

I thought, at the time, they must just be really bad headaches. I was wrong, so very wrong. Having a condition like NDPH along with migraine has been and still is very difficult. It is because of these two partners in crime that I am constantly looking for new ways to help manage them.

Managing treatment expectations

I have been on dozens upon dozens of medication therapy regimens over the years. Some did provide some relief, but it always seemed the respite was short-lived. I failed treatment after treatment, but I never gave up. I was and still am very hopeful that one day I will happen upon that medication or combination of therapies that will get me to my desired goal of being migraine-free once again. I know that's a lofty goal, but hey, I'm an optimist! I have learned over the years to be realistic in my optimism, and I set the bar just a little lower so I won't have as big a fall if I fail a treatment plan. I have learned to be kind to myself in that way.

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A new migraine treatment plan

At my latest visit with my headache specialist and her team, we spent a good deal of time reviewing my notes and past treatment failures to plod forward in the fight to find another plausible treatment that will get me to my goal of being migraine free. I had tried several treatments of Botox and failed to get beneficial results, as well as a few months of acupuncture, so you know I didn't fear needles! I also had nerve blocks done in my neck, with horrible results, may I say, so those were off the table for me as well. Well, we decided on trying occipital nerve blocks this time, coupled with trigger point injections. Yep, more needles, but if it worked, it would be well worth becoming a pin cushion once again!

My appointment

I arrived at my appointment with my hopes high, as always. They explained what they were going to do to me in detail so I would not be surprised. I always do my homework and research prior to any procedures, so I had a good idea of the ride I was getting on. There would not be as many shots as with my Botox treatments, so that was a plus. I didn't feel too much discomfort overall, and again, if this worked, the pain would only be a mere afterthought. I didn't feel the trigger point injections really at all, but the other shots were a bit more painful than Botox. I felt the results within a few minutes of receiving the shots. My headache was nearly gone! It was miraculous. My head felt like it was shot up with Novocaine you get in the dentist's office. The numbing was blissful.

Did it work?

I felt really good for about two days. Then came the disappointment. I woke up with my old friend NDPH kicking, and then the migraine cycles soon followed. I was let down for sure, but I was going to wait it out for a full two weeks before consulting with the doctor to get her take on what I was experiencing.

Moving forward

After a bit of time interacting and consulting with the doctor, we decided to discontinue any further treatments and put this failure behind us. So I am moving forward, ever hopeful that I will find a therapy that will have a lasting positive effect on my conditions. I know accepting failed therapies can be a real bummer, but it's just part of my journey to get control over this disease!

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