A person waits and walks in circles on the face of a clock.

Disability: Waiting for a Decision

In 2017, I received my initial approval for disability. Unfortunately, I am currently under a regularly scheduled reevaluation. From my understanding, this happens every 3 to 5 years. My initial review was denied. This means that they looked at my records and they decided that I was well enough to go back to work based on the information they had available. Since I disagreed with this assessment, I filed an appeal.

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What did the disability appeal process look like?

The appeal process involved me collecting my medical records from all of my doctors. I also acquired letters from my doctors explaining their perspective on my inability to work. This was a massive job by itself.

Eventually, I had a hearing that required me to go in front of a judge. The judge verified that she had medical records from all of my doctors. She also asked me multiple questions about my ability to do things.

What was the vocational specialist's opinion?

After speaking with me, she spoke with a vocational specialist to see if, in his professional opinion, I would be able to perform the tasks of various jobs and retain those jobs.

I was very nervous about this part. This person did not know me and only had a limited summary of my medical challenges. Despite this, I knew their opinion would likely matter a good amount to the judge. Much to my surprise, he told the judge that he did not think I could successfully handle and maintain a job.

How have I been managing the waiting period?

It has been a couple of months since my hearing and I am still waiting for the verdict. It is so nerve-wracking. I pretty much worry every month that I will not receive my disability payment. It is very stressful to constantly be wondering if you will receive a letter saying that you are no longer eligible for your disability payments and your health insurance.

While part of me believes that the hearing went in my favor, you can never be certain. I also have a tendency to stress out about things, especially when I have no control over them. This is not good for my health in the long run but it is very hard to turn off.

What is the benefits continuation process?

The benefits continuation process allows you to continue to receive your disability payment every month while you are appealing the decision to end your disability. This process also allows you to keep your health insurance active.

These are very important processes for someone who has been living on disability. While my income is necessary, it is even more necessary that I do not lose my health insurance. I take a lot of medications and have many procedures every month, none of which would be possible without my health insurance.

What thoughts are swirling in my head?

While disability processes are not user-friendly, they are very important for those of us living with debilitating medical conditions. My journey has been a long and drawn-out process, but I am still hopeful for a positive outcome. I know I should have a contingency plan, but it is hard to have one when your health conditions drastically limit your ability to be productive.

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