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"I have had migraines for over 35 years with the worst trigger being smells. Perfume, cologne, dryer sheets, smoke, anything scented which means I don't go into anyone else's house and no one comes into our home. I used to be able to get a scent free dryer sheet from Sun and Earth but haven't been able to get them for 3 or 4 years. I have purchased at least three other brands that say unscented and they definitely are not unscented. Does anyone know of an unscented product for using in your laundry. I use Seventh Generation free and clear laundry soap but can't find something unscented for dryer. Thanks for your assistance!"

  1. This is a great question. I too have such sensitivity to scents. They can be so overwhelming and health-damaging to us who suffer from migraines. Home Victory dryer sheets on Amazon?

    I try not to use dryer sheets due to them being "toxic" (quats), and there are evidence-based studies and articles written about it. I am curious if you've ever used non-toxic alternative dryer balls, tinfoil balls, or wool dryer balls. Here's a link to an article and they even tell you how to make them. Hope this helps. Rebecca (CCM & Advc)

  2. Rebecca gave some great suggestions with dryer balls if you are looking for something reusable! That said, it looks like both Bounce and All brands make an unscented dryer sheet -- have you tried them? I am happy to go out and smell test them for you so you don't get triggered, just let me know. 😀 Hope you find a solution that works well for you! -Melissa, team

  3. I have tried every brand of what they call unscented dryer sheets and they are not unscented. The smell isn't as bad as regular dryer sheets but I can't find anything that is truly without scent. Don't know about liquid fabric softeners, haven't tried that yet. I have allergic reaction to wool so I can't use the wool balls they sell. Thanks for the suggestions though.

  4. Thank you so much for the link to alternatives to dryer sheets. I have tried the wool dryer balls but am sensitive to wool so they didn't work out for me. Thanks again for your help!

  5. It's frustrating trying to find things that are truly unscented. I've not tried this, but have seen information on using aluminum foil crumpled up in a ball in place of dyer sheets. Maybe something to try? If you do will you let us know how it works out? Nancy Harris Bonk, Patient Leader/Moderator Team

  6. That is what I am presently using. Have noticed it does take care of static (usually) but does nothing for softness of towels or clothing. Thank you for responding!

  7. Thanks for letting us know that it does indeed work for static. In my limited research I keep encountering the combination of baking soda and vinegar and soap nuts as a sub for softener. Here's one example of many out there: Hope that may help but I'm guessing you've already seen this sort of approach. Let us know if you've tried it. Warmly- Holly team.