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"Covid vaccine & migraines?
I was in yr long Teva's CGRP trial in 2017, but then couldn't afford it when brought to market.
It permanently reduced intensity, duration of migraines. Although I daily wake w/mild one, which goes away, then returns ~3pm, they are tolerable.
Got 1st Pfizer covid vaccine March 22; the 4 days after, NO migraines. HEAVEN!
5th day, a very bad one; 8th-10th, even worse, one of worst in a year.
Just read that theoretically, vaccine could interfere with CGRP...but 4 years after I stopped it? It did have permanent change...until now.
I just can't go back to that life.

  1. Hi @hobbitgirl,

    I'm sorry you are seeing an uptick in attack frequency. I understand how scary it may be to go back to having frequency attacks. No one wants that!

    I wonder if it may be a "bad" month? I've been getting Botox since 8/16 and have had a few bad months with increased migraine activity.
    I did find this article that may help answer some of your concerns; https://headachejournal.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/pdf/10.1111/head.14086.
    Will you keep me posted?
    Nancy Harris Bonk, Patient Advocate/Moderator

  2. , I just wanted to stop by and see how things have been going for you since you shared this? I hope that your migraine activity has lessened since, if you feel like sharing with us, we would be interested to know how you have been. Warmly, Melanie (team member)