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"I woke up last Sunday with a spot in my vision. It only really bothered me when I blinked or shut my eyes. The vision disturbance also came with a headache. I have gotten Headaches with Aura's before but they generally last 30mins. This aura has lasted for 8 days and has changed a bit, from a small dot to a bright line. I went to the eye dr, they said eye wise everything was fine. I went to the regular dr and he assured me it is migraine related and would go away. I just am at my whits end with this. Yesterday it would go away for like 2mins and then come back. I still have a lot of pressure on my left side (which is the side of the eye that is bothering me) but not really a pounding headache. Not sure if I should wait this out or go to the Dr again. "


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  • Member Since 2018


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