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"Like I'm going to fall over"

  1. ugh, I'm sorry to hear that you're having a rough day. Is there anything that helps you bring you comfort on days like this? An ice pack, essential oils, or such? I know it can be so hard to manage the pain and fatigue. We're hoping that you get some relief soon!
    Alene, Migraine.com Team Member

  2. Thanks! Not a whole lot. Lying down, napping can help, but then it seems like my life is passing me by.

  3. You are SO not alone in this. So many of us are having to slow down and take care of ourselves to quiet an active migraine attack- or we proactively take time out of our days to rest in hopes of preventing an attack from coming. Either way- it often feels like life is bypassing us. I've started doing the latter and try to make peace with this part of my life as I see resting as an alternative to medication. This condition is a lot to manage, that's for sure. We are with you. Warmly - Holly - migraine.com team