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Being Seen Being Heard: A Thank You Letter

While I often have the support and understanding of my friends and family, there are folks in the public who respond to my saying "I have a migraine, can you please speak softly?" with the exact same volume they were using.

Or meet, "Sorry, I have a migraine." with complete ignorance and rather than ask how to help just continue as if "migraine" was synonymous with "boo boo".

It's okay. I understand that these folks really are ignorant. And in the midst of a migraine, my capacity to enlightened is as diminished as my ability to tolerate light.

Grateful for sympathy

Occasionally, when I voice my needs and concerns regarding Migraine to a business person or stranger, I am meet with ready sympathy. For that I am ever grateful.

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Here's to the insurance agent who asked "Is there any thing we can do to help," when I explained my wearing sunglasses due to Migraine. The agent then voluntarily slowed the pace of our meeting and spoke in a lower, softer voice. Without my asking for help, help immediately came making it ever so much easier to conduct needed business.

Here's to the car sales associate who loaned me a dim office to lay my head on while my car was having emergency repairs saying "My wife gets migraines. I totally understand. Let us know how else we can help." That was one of the worst public migraine attacks I have had. It was exceedingly helpful to ride it out in a dim, quiet, semi-private space. The office walls were glass, but I cared little who could see my bent form resting on the desk. Those walls separated me from the noise and fumes of a bustling auto business. That immediate and compassionate accommodation is still appreciated.

Here's to the physical therapy providers who immediately altered my treatment when I said I had to go to a different area of the facility when a flickering florescent light triggered aura symptoms, saying "We definitely don't want you to get a migraine. Do you need to sit down? How can we help?" They then shut the light off and assured me that while "it doesn't help you today, we will fix the light straight away."

Your words & effort matter

I did end up with a migraine, alas, that day. But the therapists' efforts did help. It lifts my spirit to be seen, heard, acknowledged and aided readily.

Sure, as health care providers, there is an expectation of understanding regarding medical conditions. Yet, I have had doctors, even primary providers, dismiss Migraine.

Thank you to these three and all others who pause, connect, and offer immediate aid. It is more helpful than you may ever know.

This article represents the opinions, thoughts, and experiences of the author; none of this content has been paid for by any advertiser. The team does not recommend or endorse any products or treatments discussed herein. Learn more about how we maintain editorial integrity here.

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