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How I came to have Migraines

I was working about 15 years ago now, working at the locale Landfill, running heavy equipment and running the scales. It was a winter day and it had been snowing and freezing rain. I got off work at the regular time of 5:00 pm. It was dark by the time I got home. I needed to shovel the snow from the driveway so I grabbed the shovel and started going back and forth. The driveway has a bit of a slope it was very slippery, Yes I fell feet went out so fast I landed right on my head. Blacked out on a frozen driveway for a few seconds, got up shook myself off and went back to my life. Over the next five years I suffered many health problems and I Finally Asked my Doctor to have an MRI done of my head. My walking had gotten very bad I could not walk a straight line and I would shuffle my feet. I was told at the results of my MRI that they had found I had Hydrocephalus and needed Brain surgery and fast. I was supposed to fly out to Las Vegas that weekend and was told had I gotten on that flight I more than likely would have died.
So that was surgery #1 Wow that was a long time ago now so now after 30 Brain surgeries I still can't walk without a cane or walker I am now 55 retired and living in extreme head pain every day. The Doctors won't give me enough pain control because they got me addicted to Oxycodon for over six years then told me I had to quit it because they said it was causing more pain. I get migraines pretty much every day due to pressure changes in the air.

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