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Does Polly "really want a cracker?"

Below is a true story that happened inside a grocery store.

I was with my best friend and my two children and he asked me what type of crackers was I wanting. This was many years before my diagnosis of Chronic Migraine, so I just thought that I was, as my son called me ”deflicted”. Now, this word does not bother me anymore because this is how he as a young teen could only identify my condition. Anyway, I was asked about the crackers I was wanting and I was desperately searching for the name of the brand and the word was on the tip of my tongue just minutes before but now it had vanished and I felt really LOST. My friend told me to take my time and wait for the word to come. Meantime, in my mind, I’m starting to tear up the haystack in a flurry that made it look like a blizzard in my brain.

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There!! There is the word and I can visually see it and it looks funny in my brain! How am I supposed to pronounce this?? So, as my friend and children are waiting, I frantically blurt it out for fear I will lose the word again.

”I WANT CRABS!” The moment it leaves my lips and its floating in the air hanging, dancing the macarena with gusto, I realize what I said. I hide my head in my hands and feel myself blushing in the aisle of the store. My children lose it laughing so hard and my friend, holding the bag of macaroni noodles in his hands, laughs so hard out loud that he accidentally hits the plastic bag containing the noodles with his hands and it EXPLODES raining noodles over the aisles covering both sides around us. I slink out of the store covering my face with one hand. The others come laughing behind me.

This occurred on one of my MANY in-between days. I have learned now after so many episodes as this, when I am unable to think or even process complete sentences in my deflicted brain...this is a my brain's tornado warning to warn me of an impending migraine. One day I will actually be able to interpret and receive my own SOS signals. LOL

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