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I am 58.
I'm a life time headache person, the last 28 are migraines. They are daily.
They are Severe and beyond.
I quit my job in Jan. 2006 migraines were daily.
I got disability on the second try in 2010.
People always said when I went through menopause they would probably go away.
In spring 2007 I got Bells Palsy on right side face.
Right eye did not close & nostril had callapsed. Four years, I found help. 3 surgeries.
My husband lost his 30 year job that year c & a closures.
He got new job in Feb.2008, then needed Hernia surgery.
In 2009, in a borrowed car, I was hit by a US Postman driving his own pick up with cap on. He said he never saw me. When hit it stopped my car instantaniously. I grabbed my chest & said Jesus or Father God this is the last thing I needed.
I felt the pain from left lower shoulder back area go right up my neck & right up the side of my head.
The policeman on duty put no blame on either, despite I had figured out the postman was sorting mail because he had sit still for so long, so I decided to slowly pass.
The policeman on duty was fired the next year for drunk driving twice in one night.
In 2011 I went through 6 weeks of injections, no help, just a gumby neck, my head leans to the right, I don't even realize it much of the time.
Migraines, neck migraines, allergy migraines,weather migraines, can't do heat, sun.

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In 2013 my husband fortunately had kidneystones & ks surgery, In which they found Prostate Cancer, he is 55, he is my 24 year best friend.
In Jan. 29, 2014 he had PC surgery. We are eternally grateful to Dr. Mouli & Anna Butts(found cancer).

This is in addition to everyday life.
Many many hurtful things have been said to us over the years because we struggle so.

Yet are Faith is not shaken.

A migrainuer Can Not Cry because its like a bomb going off in your head.
Migraine is a sword being stabbed & left in your head for hours or days.
Its like labor pains for days, I know I have 4 children.

My husband went back to work 1 month early, at his farm implement job, he had no choice, no income. He is doing well but tired, weary with so much stress from so many places.
It is hard to watch your best friend suffer daily & be able to do nothing, there are only a handful who truly understand and are compassionate enough in 2014 to give unconditional love & compassion.
I will be going to go to Cleveland Clinic Dr. the end of July, 2014. Hopfully I can get a 25% reduction in pain.
I ask for Sincere Prayer from anybody who is willing.

And I plead to each and everyone who suffers in any way, Don' t Give Up, Because the good days are worth living.
And you are not alone if you have Faith in Jesus & Father God.
May you be Truly Truly Blessed to find relief that works for You!


This article represents the opinions, thoughts, and experiences of the author; none of this content has been paid for by any advertiser. The team does not recommend or endorse any products or treatments discussed herein. Learn more about how we maintain editorial integrity here.

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