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Wounded Head

When I was 8, I thought it was completely normal to have head pain everyday, and then get the occasional terrifying migraines every now and then.

As the years passed, I realized it was most definitely not normal, as the pain become more severe and frequent (every day, all the time), and those terrifying migraines would become a 2-5 times a week occurrence. After my parents forced me to my GP, an adventure ensued. I believe the correct order goes somewhat like this: GP, Migraine Specialist, Optometrist, MRI, Allergist, Opthamologist, ER visit (happened at Opthamologist's app.), CAT scan, Sleep paralysis occurs, another MRI, EEG, Cardiologist, Endocrinologist, Neurologist, Sleep Specliaist, Sleep studies, Pyschologist, Atlas Orthogonal Chiropractor, Naturalist, and ENT. All of these occurred in one excruciatingly painful summer, minus 4 of them. I am hoping to be able to go to UCSF migraine clinic soon and while my acute medication works pretty well, I know I just can't be on taking medicine forever. I have come to terms with having to deal with jerks that call you "lazy" and whatnot, and with the right attitude it becomes somewhat fun to see the look on their face of shock when I tell them what I have and that I am in fact not lazy. No, I actually do a lot for how much pain I am in all of the time.

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To deal with it, I enjoy reading books where other people talk about their migraines (A Brain Wider Than The Sky by Andrew Levy, All In My Head by Paula Kamen, and Chocolate and Vicodin by Jennette Fulda). In addition, my favorite "migraine" songs are Wounded Head by William Fitzsimmons and Less Than You Think by Wilco. I am getting better at distracting myself from "it", something that is so much a part of me that sometimes I tend to be lost and freaked out without it. Sometimes I get that "migraine and creativity" thing - where I just get a boost of creativity and I draw for awhile.

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