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Male with migraines

I began suffering from migraines in 2003. I was involved in a work related motor vehicle accident in a commercial truck. I was broadsided by another commercial truck who had tried to beat a red light. I suffered several injuries including a concussion. To date I have had 5 surgeries related to the accident.

The concussion set in motion the beginning of my experiences with chronic migraines. I played football in high school and college. I had at least 4 concussion related to playing this sport. Along with that I have split my head and received stitches several times during my childhood. All combined this has taken a heavy toll on my brain.

The accident of 2003 put me over the edge. I awoke the day after to ringing my ears, severe head pain and vomiting. This was the first severe migraine I had ever experienced. My orthopedic surgeon suggested I see a neurologist. He diagnosed the migraines along with other work related injuries.

I worked for the same company for the past 23 years. A big package moving logistics company. The refused to take me back at work to finish my career. I filed for disability, which was granted. I was suffering about 10 migraines a month at one point. It took three medications to find something that would help. Triptans seem to work best for me but it is a race to get medication in my system before the migraine completely takes over.

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Things have improved slightly. In the month of September, 2011 I only had 5 migraines. Unfortunately one is too many. Last week I had a migraine so severe I lost three days. I experience the aura associated with migraine, also light and sound sensitivity. I was on the first floor of the house when the symptoms began. So dizzy, I stumbled twice going up to the 3rd floor of my house. I used an imitrex needle, which seems to be the fastest to get into my system. Unfortunately, the migraine won this battle.

Chronic Migraine Management

Chronic Migraine Management and Treatment
Finding the right migraine preventive medication
What to do when nothing is working
Expert Answer: Intractable Chronic Migraines
Botox Approval for Chronic Migraine
Nerve Stimulation for Chronic Migraine
Surgery for Chronic Migraine

Living with Chronic Migraines

Chronic Migraine & Social Security Disability
Chronic Migraine & Child Custody
The Family Medical Leave Act & Migraine

Related Migraine Stories

My Story: Chronic Migraines & A New Life
Cindy’s Journey with chronic migraines

I was so sick with vomiting, my 15 year old daughter wanted to call 911. I settled down with that after taking Compazine to calm the vomiting. I fell asleep for 14 hours following awakening to the feeling of being hangover. It’s the only way I can explain it. Dizzy, upset stomach and light and sound sensitive were loud. Even the air conditioner. It took three days to recover, 72 hours only then did I feel somewhat normal.

I have recognized some of my triggers, artificial sweeteners, bright sun and grape fruit juice to name a few. I kept a journal and still there is no pattern or cycle of migraines. I can only say, I would rather have a route canal instead of a migraine. And it’s not even close.

I know three other people who suffer with migraines; they are all female, including my neurologist. She definitely understands what I am going through. Family members do not always understand. They do not understand how debilitating they are. I have missed holidays, parties and wedding due to migraine. I have sympathy for people who suffer from pain. It crushes you at times. Along with migraines, I have chronic pain from injuries I suffered through work and the accident. The stigma that comes along with pain medicine, opiates used to treat the pain, led me to seek other avenue to pain management. Suboxone is a drug prescribed and approved for the treatment of opiate addiction. It contains buprenorphine, which not only helped with my pain but also eased the migraines.

I am a single father of two young kids, doing the best I can with what has been dealt to me. I can’t physically do the things I was able to do before disability but I am trying not to be optimistic about the future. Depression sets in at times but I have learned to ask for help. Whether I ‘d be around the house or with kids. I have built a support network to cope with it. I attend a pain group with other people who suffer from pain and understand. Doctors who understand and are patient. But the most important part of my on going struggle, has been my faith, in god and his spirit. He provide healing and inspiration.

100DollarHeadache, Richmond, Rhode Island

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