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Massage Therapy for Migraines

Hello everyone. I'm Anthony, and I have been a suffering from migraines a good 30 years now. I have made numerous (and ongoing) changes to my diet, ingested shelves of painkillers, was practically a research monkey for experimental painkillers in the 1980s (unfortunately too young at the time to decline them even though they didn't work), and can recall many motionless hours in dark rooms, with or without music (but definitely with a trashcan for regurgitation!), overcoming any fear of death as it may not have been as bad as the pain that I lived with. When I am not actually having an attack, I find myself living a relatively normal life, except for the dread of encountering a trigger to set off yet another day off. Yes all of this has made me a stronger person for those that ask. It's a harsh lesson learned though. Every. Single. Time.

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Last year, I decided to take massage therapy courses, in hopes of finding a new career, and relief from my "brainstorms", as I lovingly call them. Well, I have good news: IT WORKS! The last 24 weeks have been a gradual yet steady increase of normal days vs. headache days! Of course I'm not migraine-free, however I'm learning more about the human body and how many of the predisposed and/or self-perpetuated conditions which cause migraines, can be rectified or managed, with the ultimate goal being reducing the frequency and potency of migraine attacks. Putting this knowledge into practice, and the added benefit of receiving massages on a regular basis, while not a "cure", is the best recovery that I've experienced in 3 decades!

I only wish that the entire population of kindred bodies could experience the relief that that this drug-free method of pain management has provided me. Beyond any shadow of doubt, I've found my niche in this trade: my experience with pain and the wealth of information that I've accumulated over the years, along with what I'm newly learning and acclimating is priceless, and needed so badly by the world of migraine sufferers. By all means, I encourage you to try getting at least one professional massage if you haven't yet done so, you'll never regret it!

Intention + Pressure + Oxygen = Release!


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