Meds, meds and more...but no relief from pain

Traversing down the migraine road now for some forty-four diagnosed years with migraines,
I feel like I have seen and heard it all. I mean from the caring people to the ones who say" it's just a headache take a Tylenol and get over it" to some unprofessional people who just have no empathy and don't want to listen.

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Learning what to say, how much to say and to whom to say it to, I have always struggled with which has put me in a pickle more than once. I have found some great medical people willing to work with me and listen to me for a change as a patient and professional as well. Together we developed a pain assessment tool and a wonderful plan.

My question why was moving necessary to get the right help? Why is there such a magnifying glass hovering over people with migraines? Sorry now I sound like a skeptic but tired of all the stupid questions about migraine pain medicines.

I enjoy the feedback and other stories I have read. I first posted under a different name and would like to apologize. No excuses just fear. I'm in the same boat perhaps send feedback Please!!!!

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