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That one word

Migraine. That one word that can make a beautiful day feel like the worst day you have ever experienced.

I have been a chronic migraine sufferer for about 8 years (suffered as a teen and adult but for the last 8 years this has been pretty much a daily routine) and have tried every remedy suggested by well-meaning family, friends and medical professionals such as a new medication, sinus surgery, specific pillow type, a particular mattress firmness or softness, nasal spray, allergy shots, chiropractic manipulation, physical therapy, MRI, Sleep Study, and Catscans, I can name more but I know my fellow migraine sufferers know all too well how long this list is. A few years back, one of the migraines had me in the E.R where they gave me an IV of Morphine, which of course put me to sleep in seconds but still had the lingering effects of the migraine after I woke up and was sent home.

After all I have tried and tests I have endured, I still had hope that one day my chronic migraines would be a thing of my past and will give me the chance to help others with their suffering by sharing what worked for me. Unfortunately, to this day I still deal with them but lately I have been lucky enough to able to catch them before they get bad, except for today.

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Earlier this year, I woke up with a massive migraine that had me in bed unable to move my head or want to open my eyes; I knew I had to get up from bed to take something (anything) that may ease the pain. I made my way to my purse, which holds my most precious possession that allows me function enough to make it through the day (my prescribed Maxalt 10 pill). I have found that I have catch the attack as soon as possible before it gets to be a full-blown migraine. I missed the onset so it was full blown before I even woke up. As I crawled back into bed after taking the pill, I laid there crying which of course will make it worse (as I am sure all of us have done when it gets to be too much to bear the pain of yet another migraine). I cried to the Lord, my loved ones in Heaven that passed away, and anyone that would listen to take away the pain or take me because at that moment I didn’t want to live this kind of life anymore. I felt that this was not living, this was just functioning through my days and not really enjoying the life I am supposed to live. I was able to fall back to sleep and when I awoke again, the pain subsided but the lingering effects were there such as a dull ache and the sensitivity on my head and hair to touch but at least the pain was eased enough to get up.

The next day, I used Google to search for ‘migraines with neck and shoulder pain’ and came across a website for a pain management office about an hour away that said they offered help for migraines so I tried it thinking what have I got to lose. That was 9 months ago and I am glad I did. I still suffer from the migraines but they uncovered that I had high blood pressure that was a contributing factor and have worked diligently to see me get past this and for that I am forever grateful that I found them.

Although I am still suffering through these migraines, I am writing to say that we have to remain hopeful that one day we will speak of these as a thing of the past but also to bring an awareness to people that do not suffer from them (such as insurance companies) that this should be considered a disease and dealt with as such, we should not be made to feel guilty that we cannot make plans since we do not know when or where the attack will happen nor are we lazy and just don’t want to work. To my fellow sufferers, I am with you in spirit and pray one day this WILL be a thing of the past for us all.

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