My Life With The Ups And Downs A Migraine Brings
Hi, my name is Sabine. I am writing from Germany. I am 51 and was diagnosed 40 years ago. I had to stop my career as a language teacher one year ago due to my worsening migraines. As I have a long story to tell, I will split it in several parts.
Part I: Ages 10-19
I don’t remember my first attack, but I remember having terrible stomach aches. Those were so bad that I could not go to school and eventually my parents sent me to the hospital. I stayed for 1 week, but nothing was found. The doctors told my parents I should start a hobby in order to relax. That’s when I started horseback riding. Shortly afterwards my headaches started. After having seen a neurologist, the diagnosis came quickly: migraine without aura.
I did not have many attacks, maybe 1 per month, which I treated with ginkgo. It helped, or I strongly believed it did. In 1993 I passed my A-levels and started an apprenticeship. After 3 months, my life broke down. I had 1 attack after another. The ginkgo didn’t work anymore and after a month I couldn’t go to work regularly anymore. I tried hard, canceled my complete private life in order to relax as much as possible, but the attacks didn’t stop. I found a neurologist who told me I was suffering from tension headache and who also suggested that I was unhappy with my apprenticeship, my boyfriend (my now husband), and that I should leave my family as they were also responsible for my poor condition. Unfortunately, he wasn’t willing to pay for the needed apartment and so on. ;-)
Leaving work due to migraine
In the end, I had to quit the apprenticeship because of too many absences. I felt like the biggest loser. Everyone around me was successful and happy and all I could do was stay home trying to cope with the pain. My life went on like this for almost a year.
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