I wrote a poem about my migraine headaches
You can find it here: http://www.powerpoetry.org/poems/living-rules-aint-easy-it-seems
I'm 18 and about to go to college, so I entered this scholarship slam at power poetry and wrote about how migraines have impacted my life. It was a unique opportunity to express myself while talking about something I believe in. Like many of you, migraine headaches make it difficult to do a lot of the things I wish I could do like my peers can. Many of them take it for granted. I stay inside most of the time to prevent my headaches, because if I go out I know I will have a bad day. I hope I find the right treatment...
I just went to my first neurologist appointment today, and I'm very excited to be moving forward with new options. The doctors I had made it seem like I already tried everything there is.
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