Chronic Migraine Sufferer For 33 Years

As a child, I would sometimes be headachy when I was sick with a cold or virus, but the migraines began in earnest after I got married and quickly became chronic and debilitating. At first, I thought it was the stress of being a newlywed or overwork at an intense job, or I wondered if it could have been related to going on birth control pills or a particularly severe case of chickenpox that I contracted as an adult.

So many tests

I began with my general practitioner to get checked out, then a neurologist, many, many tests, visits with a nutritionist, 6 months of serious chiropractic adjustments, acupuncture. You name it, I tried it. By this time I was 3 years into severe daily chronic headaches plus migraines 2-3 times per week. I had to take a medical leave of absence from my job and eventually had to quit working altogether.

This was 30 years ago and I went to one of only three headaches centers in the country that existed at that time. Although the doctors there were topnotch, and I tried dozens of medications, there just wasn't any relief in sight for me. I even tried their 7-day inpatient program at the hospital. Still no answers as to what the cause was.

Imitrex injections first, then pills, provided some relief, but the headaches always returned. Eventually, we found that I had a great deal of arthritis in my neck and anti-inflammatory meds helped some.

Family life with migraine

In the meantime, I had two children, stayed home with them because I was still unable to work. And, only by God's grace, I was able to homeschool them both from kindergarten through completion of high school, fitting in teaching and lesson planning around headaches and the best times of day for me. It really helped that they were great, easy, fun kids!

The kids are grown now and one is married. I am recently divorced which has been extremely sad and difficult.

Insurance and medication

But so far, one very good thing has come out of it. Due to my limited income (alimony), I am on Medicaid and they completely cover the cost of Botox injections!! I had wanted to try them before, but with my previous insurance, they would have cost about $8,000 per round out-of-pocket. They were just NOT an option! I have now had three rounds and they are working! I am SO thankful to finally have some relief!! I would say that they have cut the number of headaches in half, when I do get headaches they respond to meds much more readily, and my overall quality of life is greatly improved!

I have started my own pet sitting and dog walking business and opened an Etsy shop for some of my artwork. Now, at age 58, things are starting to look up!

I may never know the reason or cause of my headaches, but having gone through chronic pain for decades, I know I have so much more compassion for others who are suffering.
This is me with my dog, Samson

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