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3 day migraine

I suffer from chronic migraines. Main triggered are weather changes/barometric pressure changes, stress, anxiety, and dairy.

Rewind to Fri. I'm a vet tech and work for a vet clinic. Came home Friday night and saw my 12y toy poodle ruptured an anal gland. Very painful, messy, and bloody. All the stress, strong smells, and rain we had Fri. Set off a monster migraine. Got my old girl all patched up and she's doing better!

Tried the following treatments: Magnesium 500mg, Chewable Ginger 500mg, Excedrin Extra Strength 250/250/65, Advil 400mg, Tramadol 50mg, and Peppermint oil on my temples, forehead, and soles of feet.

I tried some cannabis oil, it helped stop the vomiting, not the pain.

I called outta work today because I just CANNOT imagine handling patients & clients when my head has a heartbeat as loud a Boeing 757 and constantly feeling like I'm going to projectile vomit.

ANY suggestions would be appreciated. I have no insurance so would prefer to treat at home. I use Propranolol 40mg 2x daily for prevention, btw.

Thank you!

  1. Hi absentminded

    Thank you for sharing your story with us. GardensatNight gave you great information.

    I can understand treating at home, but you don't have any medication that will stop the migraine process. Not having insurance makes things more difficult. If it were me, I would ask my doctor for samples of a triptan, such as Onezatra, which you can read more about here;

    Good luck and I hope you are feeling better,

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