Thank goodness for this site. I feel like such a complicated case and I feel all alone: I am a 50-years old woman. 2 years ago I was hospitalized for nearly 2-weeks with TIA symptoms (I do have significant stenosis of my middle cerebral artery) BUT in retrospect we think were hemiplegic migraines. No history of migraines but visual disturbances. In January of this year, I had what I now believe was an aura (I went to the ER as it was so pronounced...and new) and from that day forward, I have not been the same. I had to wait 2 months to get into a new neurologist and in the those 2 months, I was unable to get back into a daily routine. I was unable to get up every day and go to work, my brain was "not working right," I would feel somewhat okay one day, but unable to function most days. I finally saw a neurologist who said "complicated migraines" which made sense and would explain all of my visual disturbances and numbness in my hand and face, etc. I simply feel horrible most days and can't push myself no matter how hard I try. I have had some bad headaches on some occasions, and I typically have an underlying dull headache all the time, but mostly I just feel horrible and the only thing that helps is to lay down and sleeping also helps.
Has anybody had prolonged aura for over a month??? I am taking 120mg of Topamax (upped to 150mg a couple of weeks ago) for 2 months now and it is not helping at all. The neurologist who diagnosed me is so hard to get into and I won't see him again until nest week. My regular doctor put me on a round of 6-day steroids and that was the best week I had (last week), I almost felt normal. But within 2 days after finishing it, I am right back to feeling horrible and being in bed all day. I own my own business but I am not even able to work for the past 2 months. I went to a 2nd neurologist, but he is not helpful at all as he only wants me off the Topamax and onto Propranolol (I am also taking 20mg 2 times per day). Every time I tried to wean off Topamax I just got worse. I do not think this 2nd neurologist understands complicated migraines at all. The really good neurologist that I will see next week is retiring and I found a great one that will understand my complex case, but no opening until August 🙁
I have literately had symptoms for 4-months now to the point that I can't even return to my daily routine. HAS ANYBODY ELSE EXPERIENCED PROLONGED "SILENT" AURA SYMPTOMS LIKE THIS and GENERAL FEELING CRAPPY WITH EVERYTHING TAKING MAXIMUM EFFORT??? I had visual symptoms for months and then I had severe sensitivity to lights and I could not even look at a computer screen for a week and a half. Also had sound sensitivity. Never had either of these before in my life. Sensitivities are better now, but it seems like the cycle is starting all over again after taking the steroids.... I CAN'T WAIT TO SEE THE GOOD NEUROLOGIST. ANY HELP OR ADVICE APPRECIATED, THANK YOU!!