I just wanted to start off by saying I am not pregnant and do no plan to be in the near future, but I hope it happens in about a year or so. I just started taking Amitriptyline a couple months ago, and thank GOD, it has greatly reduced the frequency of my migraines! 😀 However... even at the dosage I take (50mg), I am groggy. I take it around 5:30-6pm and am usually out by 9. Some mornings (primarily Mondays because I take them later on the weekends) are brutal waking up, and I'm always a little "tipsy" for awhile and CAN be groggy for awhile in the morning (just depends on a variety of things)... I've read the articles about planning for pregnancy and what to do during pregnancy, but my question is this:
How in the world do I deal with a newborn whose days and nights are mixed up and/or doesn't sleep through the night for a few months when I take meds that make me that sleepy? I've read that breastfeeding may keep the migraines at bay, so as long as I am able to do that (and thus NOT taking the meds!), I may be okay. But what if I'm not able to or what happens after I stop? I'm just scared I won't be able to take care of a baby/young child on these meds 🙁
P.S. I'm already 36, so there's a strong likelihood I won't get to have a kid, I just think about these things, especially since I'll be moving in with my boyfriend after Christmas and we're not the most careful (and don't see us being careful then, either-- sort of a passive agressive "if it happens it happens" thing we fell into)