Hi there, I am new to this forum. I am so happy to have found it. I have joined because I recently got a diagnosis that seems so unclear/unsatisfying, and I am really hoping others have heard the same thing, and are okay. (And have learned to live with visual snow).
I had my first optical migraine/aura about ten years ago. It was visual and did not come with pain. Since then I get them maybe about once or twice a year, without pain. But as you know, they are terrifying b/c its a bright zigzagging line in your vision that you see even with your eyes shut! I thought I was going blind the first time I had one.
A few weeks ago I started to get only what I can describe as shaky vision: everything is clear but its like a strobe light is flickering in my vision, sort of like steam rising or heat waves. I went online and visual snow seemed closest to what I am experiencing in terms of the movement, but I don't see the dots.
I went to the Dr, who thought I might be in a prolonged state of optical migraine, and she referred me to an ophthalmologist. He checked everything, said my eyes were in good shape, and if the issues persisted he wanted me to see a neuro-ophthalmologist, because I could see the movement when my eyes are closed.
So today I saw the neuro-ophthalmologist. He looked at everything. His diagnosis was that we all have visual "noise" so to speak but most people's brain's know how to cancel it out. Because of my predisposition to auras, he said my brain has a harder time shutting the noise out... and now that I am getting older and recently got reading glasses my eyes are adjusting and my brain is not turning off the noise.
He said I just have to learn to ignore it. I just wanted to hear from others, as it is VERY hard to just ignore this. I had a business meeting right after and I could barely focus with my vision all jumpy, and all I could think was "REALLY? This is normal and happens to a lot of people?!"
Would love to hear your experience and if you have heard the same thing?
About me: I am married, working mom. I do have stress in my life, but I have a happy life-- and this has really worried me and really triggered anxiety which I try to manage.
Thank you in advance!!!