Hi all,
I’m 27M and pretty anxious about what I’ve experienced earlier. Due to a slight upper abdominal pain, I went to visit my GP and had several blood tests and MRI with contrast done. My CA19-9, CEA and pancreatic enzymes all came out normal.
CA19-9: 2.3
CEA: 1.96
But the MRI with contrast result came out saying it detected a non-enhancing lesion seen on my pancreas tail, around 0.8cm. Suggested IPMN, or other pancreatic neoplasm.
Than I went to visit 2 hepatobiliary surgery doctor, both suggest me to do a PET-CT scan. 2 days later my PET-Ct report came out:
A pancreatic tail 8mm hypodense lesion shows homogeneous fat density and sharp border without F-FDG avidity on both early and delayed imaging, metabolic assessment indicates a benign pancreatic lesion such as pancreatic lipoma. And my doctor told me it is benign and just need a followed up annually with MRI.
Due to my anxiety, I went to visit 2 other hepatobiliary surgery specialists, and both said it most Likely benign, and need to be follow up annually. Although all 4 doctors recommend no surgery since it’ll be overtreatment, but than one of the 4 doctors said a very tiny white dot is seen on the cyst, which could be mural nodule. This has driven me back to the huge anxiety again. I can’t stop myself on thinking about what if it’ll became cancerous later on (Although all doctors said surgery will be totally fine if it gets bigger in a year and won’t affect my survival rate).
Please give me advice on what to do next.