Hey Everyone. Been reading for a while but this is my first time posting on the boards. Just thought I'd let people know that I was having migraines for years, but they began to get really bad around 2011 and in 2013 I got one that wouldn't go away. I had a great neurologist who tried everything, finally threw up his hands and sent me to the IMATCH (Interdisciplinary Method for Assessment and Treatment of Chronic Headache) at the Cleveland Clinic. It is a 3 week outpatient program, 8 AM - 5 PM Mon - Friday. They admit 3 patients a week so the staff to patient ratio is high. IT CHANGED MY LIFE. I still get migraines, but they are significantly less frequent and less painful. I am no longer going to the ER or missing work. I take Toprimate for preventative and Imitrex Injection for abortive and they work in combination 99% of the time. And I get Botox injections every 3 months. What a difference. Insurance paid for the program, but the flights, hotel and food was out-of-pocket. If you have intractable migraines that are interfering in your ability to manage your life in many aspects, I urge you to think about getting more info.