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Migraine Coma?

When I have a migraine coming, and often during, I have an unshakable desire for sleep, and I will go into the weirdest sleep where I am vaguely aware of what is going on around me, but otherwise I'm in a sleep/coma. I've searched and searched, but I haven't heard anyone else talk about it. It happens whether or not I've had any medications. I've often thought it is my brain just shutting down because of the pain/ pressure/synaptic overload. It lasts for several hours and repeats throughout the migraine. Any ideas?

  1. Hi how are you doing? You ask a very great question that many others in the community have also experienced. By any chance have you had an opportunity to discuss these symptoms with your medical provider? Others within the community have shared that they have experienced sleep paralysis in addition to migraine. Here is an article from the American Sleep Association about sleep paralysis that might be of interest to you: -Lawrence ( Team)

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