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Daily migraine with aura

I'm new here my name is Alya I'm 33 years old and have suffered with migraines with aura for 20 years. My mum used to suffer with them but she only started with them when she got pregnant with me she never had them with my other 3 siblings and I am the only one out of all my brother and sisters that get them I also believe my mums mum used to get them but both my mum and Grandma have grown out of them now. Typically mine are still going stronger than ever. I started with having 1 a month for a good few years then when I had my 2nd baby they completely stopped for 4 years and then they returned but only once every 6 months. Recently though they have been a lot more frequent I have been getting 1 every single day for 9 days straight. I haven't changed anything in my diet or sleep routine nor am I stressed but a slight difference I have noticed is 1 week prior to these migraines I did have really bad left shoulder blade pain, slight tingle in my left shoulder and my neck felt sore so I'm thinking could I have sprained it somehow and this is what is causing these migraines everyday? I did read somewhere that when your nerves are swollen this can cause migraines but not sure how true this is. Another slight difference also is I always used to only get the Aura as a pre warning the migraine is going to hit in 30 minutes but for a few days now I have noticed that I get upper back neck, back of head and side of head at the back of my ear hurts and this seems to be a pre warning a migraine is coming but it could take 12 hours for the migraine to come after these aches. Yesterday as an example, I had upper back, neck ache and shoulder pain with back of head pain and side of head pain all day from morning till night but my migraine didn't come on till 12am and then the back aches and neck ache went once the migraine pain started its really weird something I've never experienced before so I'm not sure if these are linked. I was hoping someone might be going through or have been through this before and what they did to make their migraines less frequent? I am struggling with even wanting to be here at the minute I wont do anything stupid I have small children that rely on me but am struggling with depression at the minute I don't see any end to these daily migraines and I don't know what to do anymore. gps don't help either they aren't even bothered about you so I feel totally alone and I'm finding it hard to even get up in a morning and function because I am constantly worried about a migraine attack happening its awful. I guess I just wanted to come here to see if I can talk to to others that are going through it so I don't feel so alone

  1. - Again- welcome to our community! I just responded to you on another thread- but I wanted to be sure to pick up on your questions regarding neck and back pain as potential triggers for this recent spate and uptick of migraine attack frequency/severity. It's great that you are carefully reviewing your life for changes that may account for this shift. When will you next be seeing your doctor? Again, I'm interested in learning whether or not you live in the US as we have resources with referrals specifically for migraine specialists in the US. Still, we can also offer some guidance on how to find specialists in other countries.
    I wanted to mention that some of our community members who struggle with neck and back pain pursue massage therapy, chiropractic work, and/or Botox to address those issues as they pertain to migraine. Have you tried any of those approaches in the past or recently to any avail?
    Regarding the depression you are experiencing - I touched upon this in the other thread. I will say that migraine and the severe pain that accompanies it, can be so all-encompassing - it causes us to lose perspective and this can happen quickly. I strongly recommend that you connect with a counselor (we recommend this for anyone living with chronic migraine due to how tough this condition hits us emotionally). Depression as a comorbid condition can also be addressed through work with a migraine specialist. Here are some of our resources on depression just to help you see you are not alone on this front either:
    Again, welcome to our community. We are so glad you found us and we look forward to learning more from you- and more about your journey. Warmly - Holly (team member)

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