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Dizziness with migraine?

I am in the stage where they are trying to find a med that will help with my migraines which unknowingly I had all my life. Qulipta did nothing. I had two Emgality injections which were samples from the office.It started to help but I cannot afford the $700 cost, even with insurance helping. Now I am trying to qualify for the Botox. Has anyone exfperienced dizzyness from migraine or lack of treatment?

  1. Hi
    Thank you for sharing your concerns with us. It's awful how expensive some of these life changing medications are.
    Dizziness can certainly be part of the migraine process for some of us. We have some resources on dizziness here;
    Botox has been a game changer for me and many others. I can tell you it can take three, four maybe more rounds of injections before we notice improvement. You can read more about Botox here;
    As difficult as it is, please don't lose hope. There are over 100 medications, supplements, devices, complementary therapies and lifestyle modifications that can be used to manage migraine disease and most of us are on a combination of these, I sure am!
    I'm sure others will be along shortly to share their experiences with you. In the meantime I'm sending you wishes for a low pain day, Nancy Harris Bonk, Patient Leader/Moderator (team member)

    1. If Emgality showed promise, you need to check out the Emgality Savings Card program for qualifications. My son did it. Was easy to accomplish. It covers a year of meds with low or no copay. Possible extension.

      1. thank you for sharing this tip!!! There are many different programs out there. There are stipulations, but, we will never know, unless we check. I am so glad that your son was able to use a program to help. Was it your son's doctor that connected you to the program, or, something that you looked into for you son, yourself? (Tonya, team member).

    2. I experience dizziness a lot, mostly in the absence of a migraine headache. I can tell you that since using the Cefaly device DAILY for preventative, my migraine intensity has decreased as has my dizziness & frequency. I would advise trying it, but be persistent, you do need to use the preventative part every day for it to be effective. Good luck!

      1. thank you so much for sharing what's helped you as a preventive. I had to go look at it online - very interesting indeed! I'm very glad you have found it helps your dizziness. How long each day do you have to use it? Warmly, Tracy (Team Member)

    3. fkjournalist Perhaps you are experiencing vestibular migraine?

      1. that's definitely a possibility as part of the spectrum! I think the tricky thing about dizziness (and in fact many migraine symptoms) is knowing for sure they are not something 'else' - something sinister. Getting a good diagnosis is so important, so raising that as a question is great! Thank you! Warmly, Tracy (Team Member)

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