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Has anyone been recruited by Trialbee for a migraine study? What was your experience like?

They seem to be acting fishy so far; claiming they called, but there are no calls from them in my recent calls list, not responding to a text they sent asking for a good time to call, and not calling at that time. I'm beginning to wonder if this is a scam. So has anyone else had similar dealings with them?

  1. Hi , thanks for reaching out. I'm not familiar with Trialbee, but I hope any of our community members who have done a study with them (or have experience with them) can share with you here. Was this something that they reached out to you about? Or did someone recommend them to you? Perhaps the fact that you're questioning things means it's not the right organization for your time? I did a google search for reviews of Trialbee but wasn't able to find much. I'm sorry I couldn't be more helpful, but I'm hoping some of our community members can share their thoughts with you too. -- Warmly, Christine (Team Member)

    1. Thanks Christine. I had actually searched (google) to see if anyone had success with using hypnosis to alleviate or treat migraines and got a link to their study. After the events I described, I sent the recruiter a text asking them why the weren't following up. Then they finally called. It turns out the study was on a different Botox regimen. I didn't join the study because I'm vaccinated against all the subtypes of botox and tetox (I used them as research tool on the mechanism of neurotransmitter release). I don't think they are shady, just not so good at following up on their promises. I'm going to do some more research, as Qulipta, Emgality, and Ajovy all work for me, but not during the months surrounding the winter solstice.

      1. thanks for coming back and following up on your experience! That's good to know that the company isn't shady... maybe just can be slow to respond, especially if it's not the right study for you. Good for you for seeking that out. I hope that you're able to find a different study, if that's what you're interested in, especially so you can find something that helps during the months your current treatment isn't helping. Have you ever done hypnosis for your migraine? I was trying to see if we had any information on, or community members who've mentioned, hypnosis helping them get relief, but it doesn't look like anyone here has mentioned it being a success for them. I'd definitely be curious to hear if anyone has had a positive experience with this! -- Warmly, Christine (Team Member)

    2. I hope my experience helps someone else find relief through this study or just trying botox. I haven't tried hypnosis, but I plan on talking with my neurologist to see if she knows how I might be able to do so.

      1. I appreciate you’re turning your experience into something that could help others. That’s really meaningful. It’s great that you’re open to exploring different options like hypnosis too! Hopefully, your neurologist has some good insight on that. If you do end up trying hypnosis, I’d love to hear how it goes for you. - Jake (Team Member)

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