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How do you cope with postdrome? Share your experiences here!

Does the phrase "migraine hangover" resonate with you? If so, you may have experience with postdrome, the 4th and final phase of a migraine. Many people feel drained, exhausted, or hungover during postdrome. However, some people may feel euphoric or a heightened feeling of well-being.

Understandably, coping with the postdrome phase is much different than others, and there are a lot of questions that people living with migraine are trying to answer. Should you return to work? Are you ready for that family function this weekend during postdrome? How do you make the symptoms go away?

This thread is a dedicated space to discuss postdrome, coping skills related to finding relief, and sharing your life experiences with postdrome. If you're unsure about what postdrome is, or if your experience fits under it, I've provided some resources below.

Here on, we have a lot of information available on migraine phases, including postdrome. You can click here: for an article on migraine phases.

We also have several personal stories written by our patient advocates, such as this postdrome article "Working Through My Three Awkward Stages Of Migraine Postdrome": and "Migraine Hangover":

Looking forward to reading your questions, comments, and experiences.

Wishing you all well, - Cody (Migraine. com Team Member)

  1. My hangover consists of low energy, decreasing pain, and nausea. Wish I felt euphoric but this is not the case. I tend to get back to slowly eating better, getting out of my dark room and into the sun-filled days, and eventually meeting up or gathering with family and friends 4 or 5 days later. It's nothing that happens too quickly as I always have a low-grade headache and pain from other issues. Great topic. Rebecca

    1. This is a great topic. My hangover mainly consists of exhaustion. It feels like my brain has been through a storm, and it needs rest. Even though the pain is better, my body is not the same. Usually, it only lasts for about a day. I have to get used to getting back into activity and my regular routine.
      Peggy ( team)

      1. , this is a great topic. Usually, I'm just really exhausted after a prolonged migraine attack. My attacks normally last for several days. On these days I'm not very active. When I get a hangover, I try to get up and be a little more active, even if it's just doing a little housework. I give my body the rest that it needs, and I try to get back into my normal routine slowly. That may take several days. My body resists this, but I feel better once I'm moving again.
        Peggy ( team)

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