Hi , thanks for answering. I think I've missed the three tasks that you mention from above. Would you be willing to share it again? We'd love to hear the tips and tricks that help you get through the workday. -- Warmly, Christine (Team Member)
jenniescott Member
Last Updated:
Where can I go to get away from the lights and questions? Where can I vomit privately? How can I get home quickly and safely considering the paralysis, blindness and vomiting, inability to communicate?
CommunityMemberbcc107 Member
Last Updated:
Do you take any medication for your nausea to help with vomiting? I take Zolfran which helps on migraine days.
CommunityMember4efab2 Member
Last Updated:
I keep pain relievers with me incase I really need to take the edge off, with having chronic daily migraine s total relief is not possible so I try to at least make it manageable as possible