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Is a valid resource?

Is a valid resource for researching the reviews on migraine medications? I have been using to research reviews and make decisions on the medications I might want to try, based on the medication options my doctor gives me during the appointments. Not sure if am doing this right or wrong. Please share your thoughts. What resources do you use to learn about migraine medications, their side effects and reviews from user experiences.

Thank you for your time and help!

  1. thanks for posting such an important question and topic to discuss. I'm not super familiar with but I did find this article for you that you might find helpful in researching different treatment plans. I hope you find it helpful:

    I'm sure others will join this conversation and offer recommendations as well.
    Alene, moderator

    1. Wonderful, thank you so much for sharing the article.

      1. we have a lot of resources here on this site and a big community of people who are in this with you, so we're glad that you're here! I hope you find the support and information helpful.
        - Alene, moderator

    2. Hey there! Just as a general note, looking at reviews of a medication is probably not a good indicator of how you'll do with a particular drug. Even if a majority of folks experience side effects, that's not a guarantee for everyone, and there are also folks who do fine with it. On the flip side, a drug that's well-tolerated by most people may be poorly tolerated by a minority of others.

      So...the best thing you can do is talk to your doctor about your specific needs and history, then see how you do if you decide to try the drug. I wish it were simpler, but each person is unique!

      Of course, we will always support whatever choices you make regarding medication, and will be interested to hear how you're doing. Keep us posted! -Melissa, migraine team

      1. Thank You Melissa! I appreciate you taking the time to share your thoughts and agree that medication side effects can vary depending upon the individual. I will make sure to discuss with my doctor and see assess how body responds to different medications.

        1. So glad you found this helpful. I agree- that no size fits all when it comes to medications. I like to gather information from various sites to help me gather questions to take to my doctor. Please keep in touch with us as you continue along and after you talk with your doctor. We are grateful to learn from and with you. Warmly - Holly - team

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