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Is it really a migraine?

Hi. I'm 18 and I've been
having these migraines pretty
often , for yearrsss now .
When I get them , they're definitely
On ten . my vision gets blurry , my
Hands and mouth , (sometimes my foot)
Get numb , I can't comprehend anything
And when I try to talk , something
Completely different comes out . my
Head hurts really bad at the end ,
And I also Throw up . I've had to be
sent in an Ambulance a few times for
it , and I've ended up in the hospital
a lot for it . I was wondering if this
is really a migraine , or mini strokes .
Cause I feel like its way worse than
Everyone makes out to be what a migraine
Is . thanks ! (:

  1. AutumnElyse,
    Your symptoms have similar characteristics to Migraines and that could very well be your diagnosis. It sounds like you've been to the doctor and ER many times for these issues. Have they ever done an MRI or CT scan? If your condition was caused by a different problem, such as mini-strokes, those tests would have shown it. If these tests were clear (and I hope they are!) then likely the cause is Migraines. Migraines do not show up on any type of brain scan.

    Some of the symptoms you mentioned, trouble speaking and confusion, can be very scary. But it is not unheard of to experience this during a Migraine attack. It's called aphasia. Here's some info about it:

    Also, if you are not currently seeing a Headache Specialist, I encourage you to find one. These are neurologists who only see headache/ migraine patients and are best suited to help you figure out triggers and find preventative meds. Here's some info on these types of docs:

    I hope this helps!
    -Katie Moderator

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