I was finally approved for disability (yay!!) after 5 years of trying and then I received a packet for Medicare. It’s confusing and scary and they Cover NOTHING, but they charge the crap out of you. By the time you’re done paying premiums, you can barely afford to GO the doctor OR get your meds (and pay the co-pays for those too). I mean we’re disabled...we spend a lot of time at doc appointments and filling scripts. Is there anyone out there who can explain it to me in laymen’s terms? I received my notice on the 23rd and everything goes into effect Jan 1 so with the holidays I been limited in reaching out to all “resources” for lack of a better term, but have spoken to a few. Please feel free to inbox me if you can really get down to the nitty-gritty with me. Thanks, Your super stressed out migraine friend Dana.