I have migraines nearly every day (about 3-4 days/month with NO headache; otherwise my pain level is about a 2-5). I see a headache specialist in Boston (who I waited for 6 months to get into!). We've done pretty much everything, including Botox. All triptans have either failed or have stopped working. Once a month I end up in the Emergency Room for a treatment of Dilauded, Torredol, and Zofran which will (usually) break a migraine that gets to a level 8-9.
My question is... at this point my headache specialist thinks it might help to go to an inpatient clinic (she mentioned Jefferson). What if I get an appointment and it's on a day that my pain level is only a 2? Is it even worth it? So many people I've read about here suffer so much more than I do.
Anyone have any thoughts?