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Jefferson Headache Clinic

Have any of you been admitted to the Jefferson Headache Clinic in Philly? I’ll be admitted there for at least 5 days, in 2 weeks. Can anyone tell me what to expect? What should I/shouldn’t I bring with me? Thank you for your help!

  1. Hi, Tee! We have had people here spend time at Jefferson, but the experience can vary from person to person because everyone's migraine history is different. You could try asking on our Facebook page (just search for on Facebook and we'll pop up) while we wait for folks to chime in here. As for what to bring and more specific expectations about your stay, that is probably best directed to the clinic itself. Even if someone's been there recently, they may want you to bring different things. I'm so glad you're going there -- hope it works out great for you! -Melissa, team

    1. Hi there- I wanted to pass along this link to a resource we have on this exact topic in which we have hundreds of comments from our community members - I hope you find it helpful:
      We are thinking of you and are here for you! Warmly, Holly ( team).

      1. Hi teehar. I have been to Jefferson Headache Clinic twice. I flew into Philly airport. Checked into my hotel. I arrived a few days before my admission so I could be COVID tested before admission.
        After having routine blood and urine testing, I was admitted to the Headache floor.
        I found it helpful to wear short sleeve shirts with comfortable shorts/ pants.
        They usually put a PIC line in before starting meds. That procedure is done in your room and is a little uncomfortable. The anesthesia doctor that put it in is very nice and explains everything. After making sure the PIC Line is in the vein, the nurse will come in and explain your meds and how the floor works.
        After having meds started, you are mainly in your room the entire stay.
        They have classes that discuss many options to help you manage migraine.
        You call Dietary about 1-2 hrs before your mealtime and order your meals ( menu at bedside).
        Bloodwork is taken daily and the doctors visit at least once a day.
        Helpful to have a friend stay with you.

        Good luck with your stay. I hope it helps your migraines feel better.

        1. This is so helpful! Thank you for taking the time to share this with our community. Warmly, Holly ( team).

      2. Thank you so much! This was very helpful! I pray you stay healthy and safe!

        1. we are thinking of you! Please let us know how your stay goes and how we can best support you - or if you need any further information as you go along. We are here for you and with you! Warmly, Holly ( team)

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